Open to child from 6 to 16 years old, we provides stays with different thematics. Duration of the stays : 3 to 5 days, with or without accommodation, in half-board or full board from 6th july to 14th august 2020.
Inscriptions en MARS 2025
Pour patienter, nous vous invitons à préparer vos renseignements nécessaires à l'inscription : Brevet 25 m, certificat médical
Bairon 2027 :
Dans le cadre du projet de développement du Lac de Bairon, l'ancienne base polyvalente a été détruite en 2024.
Les séjours de vacances s'est déplacer
dans la salle polyvalente pour la restauration, les sanitaires et les activités.
L'espace en herbe devant la salle est cloturé afin d'y installer en toute tranquillité les hébergements.
During the first three weeks, from 6th july to 26th july 2020, as every year, the minors reception will receive child groups from 13 to 14 years old, of the Ardennes and Eifel European Grouping, who will stay at the campsite but who will participate to common times (activities, meals, vigils).
Get to know them :
Ardennes and Eifel European Grouping has set itself the goal, since its foundation in 1955, to promote and to develop the European awareness in Ardennes-Eifel border region. As the oldest citizen initiative in the north of the Greater Region, it gathers by young people meetings, by sport tournaments, by annual conferences with persons providing from neighbouring countries, and hence, establishes a common European identity awareness.
Discovering Europe by meeting :
Transnational cooperation in the four countries of Ardennes-Eifel region - Better deal by better understanding
Language skills promotion with direct contacts - Intercultural skills - Crossborder courses for youth actors
Discovering Europe by meeting - Set projects with European partners
Create lasting links - Discover common concerns and maintain frienship